Keeping Students Engaged

Keeping Students Engaged During Their Educational Experience.

Clearly, high levels of student motivation will help to increase and maintain student retention rates. Without motivation, work quality declines, which has an impact on the entire educational experience. However, there are other methods for raising motivation:

Increasing Student Engagement

Allow students to take more active roles in lectures and seminars by involving them. Allow them to explore their ideas, give feedback to other students, and contribute to a more democratic learning environment.

Create an original curriculum

Students thrive in situations that are both creative and diverse. This entails delivering a curriculum that includes a diverse range of sources and perspectives. It’s particularly useful for offering a more inclusive curriculum, which means that marginalised kids or those from minority backgrounds can participate.

Set clear and achievable goals

If students do not feel happy after attending education sessions, they may consider them meaningless. To address this, each lecture or seminar should display a manageable amount of goals for that particular session, so students can attend with confidence that they will cover these topics.

Social dynamics

Group work is a terrific method to democratise the learning experience and make it more flexible and socially dynamic. It helps students to bounce ideas off of one another and form particular social contracts that help them learn. To increase student engagement in a lecture or seminar, the format can be changed on a frequent basis so that students hear a variety of viewpoints and are exposed to various demanding surroundings.